Monday, 17 June 2013

Beauty Tools

Today i thought we'd have a little chit-chat about my most used 'Beauty Tools'
Excluding brushes, i've narrowed it down to what i think are 7 essentials

yah yah 

 1. Sharperners - I recommend having a few sharpeners for diffrent things such as lip liners, eyeliners therefore you avoid that awful moment when you use a light coloured pencil after sharpening a dark one *heart break*.

2. Tweezers - A necessity from brow grooming to eyelash applying these are my go to, i like smaller ones as i feel i have more control but whatever tickles your fancy.

3. Scissors - chop chop, i have 2 pairs one for nails and one for miscellaneous things such as chopping eyelashes etc *not my own lul* always handy.

4.Cotton Buds - Q tips , Swabs, whateeverrr, these are my life, from removing that annoying bit of mascara to cleaning products these along with cotton pads are a dressing table must have.

5. Spoolies - I got these in a big pack off ebay! as a wannaabbeee makeup gal, i use these for putting mascara etc on other people, but they're great for brows etc.

1. Eyelash Curlers - My Favves are the Shu Emura ones OBVS! *the gold ones in the middle* there fab but i have quite a few other pairs that are adequate (whatever does the trick)

2.Hair grip - For when you're doing your hair or tying it back to do your face.

Hope you like!
Let me know your thoughts! <3 xx



  1. Pencil sharpener is probably number 1 on my list. Awesome post! =] xx
