Today i thought i'd take you into the wonderful world of my Base Wardrobe!
I have only recently become engrossed into the captivateing world of all things foundation.
From the ripe old age of 14 i have me rocking a tinted moisturiser, and with the help of my mother, friends and my 'N.Duldge' card i have tried tested all manor of goods from Maybelline to Chantecaille.
My Current Collection.
I thought i would show you my current 'TOP 5' products in rotation.
I follow the '12 month rule' if i have a base product that is 12 months old i bin it!
These are the ones i use, but when doing others i use obviously different shades.
1. Laura Mercier - Oil Free Tinted Moisturiser - Sand
I really enjoy using this, it is defiantly a higher coverage tinted moisturisers than others i have used, but gives a lovely 'glow' to the skin. This shade in particular is very warmed toned so i use it more in the warmer months.
Applies with - Real Techniques Buffing Brush
2. Revlon - Nearly Naked Foundation - 170 Natural Beige
This bad boy is one of the few high street bases i have purchased. It is a good shade match for my, but you never can tell in the harsh lighting in boots now can you!
It is between a tinted moisturiser and a foundation so depending on the amount and what implements you use depends on the coverage.
Applies with - Sigma Flat Top Kabuki
3. Nars - Sheer Glow - Stomboli
YAAAAAAAAA, this is the newest addition to the Hughesing fam, I recently adopted this at Space Nk for my Prom, i have used it about 5 times now and oohh myyy i love it, it does provide a heavier coverage than my Laura Mericer, but it blends into the skin so nicely and looks amaze in photos due to there being no SPF!
Applies with - Hands
4. MAC - Face and Body - C3/N
Well Well, as previously mentioned i was sceptical about trying this product but i must say i really enjoy using it, it somewhat reminds me of the 'Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Foundation' Which in contrast i didnt particually like as they both have a very liquid like texture.
I use this as an all over base or for my chest.
Applies with - Real Techniques Buffing Brush
5. Sephora Mineral Foundation - D30
This was my first 'everyday base' i bought my first one of these in Paris around 3 years ago and now every time i go i buy one.
When applied lightly it can be used as a setting powder, or used all over the face for a light/medium coverage.
It has SPF in it and it's matte so its great for summer.
Applies with - Powder Brush